Every year one of my clients, RAND Engineering & Archtecture, DPC, tasks me with helping them develop a holiday greeting.
This year we were to make it a simple animated gif in a constant contact email. The theme was to be "The Wonder of Youth." the idea was that several children would be marveling at a window display diorama of New York City. Within the display they would see Rand's iconic wintery mascot, Randy The Snowman, toiling away performing his duties of making sure all the buildings he inspected were warm, safe and dry.
Once I finished the drawings and then began to assemble the animated gif, I realized, "Hey this could make for a nifty little Instagram animation that Rand could use in their social media!" So I quickly made it and showed it to the Business Development Director. He loved it. We then decided, "Hey let's go all in and make it a full Youtube video for our social!"
This year we were to make it a simple animated gif in a constant contact email. The theme was to be "The Wonder of Youth." the idea was that several children would be marveling at a window display diorama of New York City. Within the display they would see Rand's iconic wintery mascot, Randy The Snowman, toiling away performing his duties of making sure all the buildings he inspected were warm, safe and dry.
Once I finished the drawings and then began to assemble the animated gif, I realized, "Hey this could make for a nifty little Instagram animation that Rand could use in their social media!" So I quickly made it and showed it to the Business Development Director. He loved it. We then decided, "Hey let's go all in and make it a full Youtube video for our social!"
And that, my friends, is how you get a great client to push you further into making an even better final result!
Below is the Instagram video format to demonstrate how it was adapted from the original drawings.
Here's the original drawings used in the animation.
I added these so you could see the evolution of the project. Plus they're seperately fun little illustrations.
I added these so you could see the evolution of the project. Plus they're seperately fun little illustrations.